We see often see in Scripture the saints of God in times of suffering. Adam and Eve suffered the murder of their son by his own brother. Job suffered the loss of almost all he had. The faithful Christians in Revelation suffered and even in Heaven seem to question why they were not being avenged for their suffering. Hebrews 11 has a whole list of suffering saints. We are faced with the question of why God’s children suffer if an all-powerful God loves and cares for them. Though that seeming dilemma is not the point of this article, a few quick notes may lead you to further help and study.
1. Sin. We live in a sin-cursed world. Romans 8:22 reminds us that all Creation groans because of sin. In addition, the consequences of our own personal sin often bring pain. The sins of others can bring heartache, too. 2. Strangers. We are strangers in this world. Hebrews 11:13 reminds us that this world is not our home. This is not our place of rest. We can’t expect to be too comfortable here. Heaven is our resting place. 3. Sons. We are sons of God. Therefore God, as a loving Father, brings suffering at times to discipline us in order that it may yield the “peaceable fruit of righteousness” in our lives (Hebrews 12). 4. Satan. Job 1 allows us to see that Satan and his minions are allowed by God to bring about hard times for God’s children in order to bring glory to God. Always remember though, that God’s glory and the good of his children are eternally bound together. Our good does not suffer to bring God glory. 5. Selfishness. Although a derivative of #1 above, it still should be mentioned, because the selfishness of those we love (as well as those we don’t even know) can cause great pain. So, Here Are The 5 Ways We Can Learn to Give Thanks Even When Life Is Hard 1. Relinquish control to God’s sovereign plan, knowing that He is never out of control. Even with the problem of sin and evil, God overrules and works all things for our good as we become more like Christ. 2. Rest in God’s wisdom and love. God is all-wise. He knows the end from the beginning and is always acting in love toward us, His children. We often cannot see that when in suffering, yet we can understand it when we compare parenting to God’s love. As a parent allows a non-understanding, crying baby to undergo surgery, an immunization shot, or other pain for ultimate healing or good, so God does the same. As the parent would not love the child if he/she stopped the pain, so God would not fully love us if He did not allow what was best. 3. Run to His Word. God’s Word, the Bible, contains “all things that apply to life and godliness.” We open it to find the truths we need, and we depend upon His Spirit to lead us in applying it to our situation and to our hearts personally. 4. Reach out to others. In the midst of our pain, it is helpful to serve others. Serving helps us get our focus off of our suffering. It is an encouragement to know that we have helped others and been used by God to bring joy to them. Even during Jesus’ suffering on the cross, He was mindful of His mother’s needs. 5. Share your burden. Don’t substitute fellowship with others for time with God; but if at all possible, find a close Godly friend who will faithfully listen and point you back to God’s truth when your faith begins to waiver. Confide in your church family to find healing and strength. God works through the body of Christ, the church. If you don't have a church home, we would love to fellowship with you and strive to encourage you during these hard times. Download a Free PDF of Bible Promises Divided into Categories for Easy Reference. Click Here Other Articles You May Find Helpful Failure Isn't Final Struggling Teens and When God Ran How to Stop the Yelling at Home 4 Encouraging Truths When God Says to Wait 4 Reasons Biblical Love Can be Extremely Romantic 5 Phrases You can Give Someone to Change Their World. Setting Goals and Moving Ahead for God's Glory Are You Biblically Wise? Take this Assessment (Also good for assessing a teen son or daughter) Learn how you can have a relationship with God and eternal life Here are few links to more info on our church or you can browse this website. Read about our Leadership What we believe and teach Ministries and Programs
1. Gift Card – Look for one that you know they will use. If you aren’t sure, get one at a department store with a lot of options for them. You can also send Amazon gift cards right through email. Click here for the Amazon ones. 2. A Personal Letter – Even though most of us communicate by email or text these days, everyone still enjoys getting an old-fashioned letter in the mail. Take some time to write out what your friend means to you, stick it in an envelope, buy a stamp and use the USPS again. 3. Make a Top 10 List – Start at the top of the page with the phrase "Top 10 Things I Appreciate About John Smith.” Make your list. They will love reading what you see in them that makes you appreciate them and they will know you spent some time to write it out. 4. Send a Donation in Their Honor – If you know what their favorite charity is, send a donation in their name. Maybe it is their local church, a food pantry or a children’s ministry. Ask them and then send a donation. Ask the organization to send them a notification and let them know yourself as well. 5. Homemade Cookies – Nothing says thank-you like something you bake yourself. Make a batch of homemade cookies to drop by their office or home. Hint – Take them while they are still warm. 6. Breads – Speaking of homemade, make a bread (banana, cranberry nut etc.) and wrap it up in a nice foil and take it by. Make an extra and freeze it. Give that one too. They can pop it out when company shows up. Hint- If you don’t want to make the bread, check your local mega-mart bakery for their version. This also works for pies. 7. A Picture – Have a picture of you and your friend framed or made into a canvas print. Most drug stores like Walgreens or CVS have great prices for these and can have them done the same day. You can also have a calendar made if you have a lot of pictures. If you friend lives at a distance, they can pick it up at their local store in most cases. Here is a link to Walgreen's online Photo Gift Shop for some ideas. 8. A Bible – You can order a nice Bible or pick one up at a local bookstore. There are many options to choose from. Some are expensive and some are inexpensive yet very nice. Perhaps they would enjoy a good study Bible if they do not have one. This is truly a gift that bears fruit for years to come. 9. Take them out for coffee or frozen yogurt. This is a gift that is a treat for both of you. You’ll enjoy the occasion and they will too because you are together. 10. Invite them to a church service with you. If they do not have a church family, why not ask them to join you with yours? Take them to lunch or dinner afterwards and discuss it with them. This will make for great conversation. What better way to thank a friend than to introduce them to a relationship with God if they don't already have one? What ideas do you have for letting someone know you appreciate them? Share them with us in the comment section below the other article options. Other articles you may enjoy...
Why a Christian Worldview Works Even in the Face of Unspeakable Evil
On Sunday November 5, at approximately 11:30 am a man walked in to the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, TX and killed or wounded at least 46 people. Many questions arise in the aftermath of tragedy. In the early hours and days, the questions are often answerable. How many died? Who was the killer? What did the authorities do in response? What was the killer’s motive? However, these questions quickly give way to the deeper questions that seem to be unanswerable. We all wrestle with questions like these about tragedies.
We all have some sort of worldview if we realize it or not, and it matters! A worldview is best described as the glasses through which we see and interpret all that is happening around us in the world. It attempts to tell an overarching story, to explain the universe in both grand and detailed ways. The story attempts to bring clarity and understanding to every part of existence. A worldview:
We all seek to understand the world around us, especially in the midst of confusion, pain and tragic situations. From scientific questions to questions of good and evil, and why there is suffering we wonder why. We seek guidance for decisions and meaning to life’s trials. We seek true beauty in art and wonder at the hate we see between human beings. These answers and more can be found through the glasses of our worldview. God has provided an undistorted worldview through his word, the Bible, by communicating basic truths that are fundamental to every aspect of our life. This worldview brings clarity, purpose, and guidance for all of life. Although there are many many worldviews that people follow, there are only two basic worldviews, a true one and a false one. The true one has only one definition. The false one takes on many forms. Let’s look at these two worldviews. Firstly, let’s look at a non-biblical and false worldview summary. Remember, there are many versions of this, but they all include the same fundamental points.
Secondly, let’s look at a Christian worldview. You can watch this short video summary of a Christian worldview and then we’ll give you some reasons why this view works and makes sense even in the face of tragedy to the very people who hold this worldview. So how does this make sense in the face of tragedy even to those who believe this worldview? How does it bring hope to despair and meaning even to hardship? 1. In a Christian worldview, God is creator and therefore he is the authority over all his creation. He sets the rules for his creation. He sets both natural law i.e. gravity which cannot be broken, and he sets moral laws which can and have been broken. The reason we even know right and wrong and that murder is evil is because God created life, gave it value and gave us moral law. Non-Christian worldviews cannot adequately account for these facts. The reason we know what happened in Texas was a tragedy is because precious life was taken and the Evolutionary answers of survival of the fittest doesn’t add up! In the depths of our soul, in our emotions and conscience, we know it was horrific evil because we know what good and evil are thanks to God . 2. In a Christian worldview, God has not left his creation to suffer under evil indefinitely. At great cost to himself, he sent his only son, Jesus, who is God as well, to suffer and die in order to conquer evil and provide salvation from evil. Jesus entered into our suffering. He himself was tragically murdered. However, His death and resurrection from the grave prevents evil from ever conquering good completely. In a Christian worldview, God always overrules evil with good even though for the moment, as with Jesus’ death, evil may seem to win. 3. In a Christian worldview, there is hope because of salvation in Jesus Christ. He conquered death, rose again from the grave and now provides eternal life and the forgiveness of sins. Not only is evil like that in Texas overcome, but our own sinful heart can be forgiven and our relationship with God can be restored. We personally can have victory over evil and sin in our own life. We do not have to be captive to our own sinful condition. 4. In a Christian worldview, we have the hope of eternal life. For those who have accepted God’s gift of salvation which is free to us but came at great cost to him, it is not death to die. Yes, that is right, it is not death to die. When God speaks of death in the Bible, he speaks of eternal death which is separation from God in Hell for those who reject Jesus’ gift and do not believe in him. For those who do accept his gift of salvation such as those at the First Baptist Church, death is not eternal. It is a passage way to eternal life. The Bible says that for those who have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ to be absent from this earthly body is to be instantly present with the Lord in Heaven. 5. In a Christian worldview, evil such as we saw in this situation is punished. Perhaps the killer supposed in his worldview that his ticket to freedom from the carnage he had caused by his evil actions was to kill himself thus ending life and entering a state of non-existence. No jail, no remorse, no guilt, no dread, he felt as many who commit such atrocities do, that killing themselves was the end. However, in a Christian worldview, this man went to Hell. He will stand before God in the final judgement for his sin as we all will someday and then he will be condemned to eternal death in the Lake of Fire. There is no hope for him, no second chance. His fate is sealed. His worldview was horribly wrong in so many ways and at so many levels. Worldviews do have consequences. What is your worldview? What are it’s consequences for your future? How do you process events such as these terrible tragedies? Do you believe that the universe happened from a “Big Bang?” Do you believe in the evolutionary process, the survival of the fittest, that life is random, futile, and meaningful only for the strong who survive? Do you believe that good and evil are simply cultural norms? Do you believe there are no moral absolutes based on a moral absolute being who is designer, creator and ultimate authority, GOD? May we ask you to consider the Christian worldview. Use the resources below to learn more and consider God. For those who have a Christian worldview, do not be discouraged even in the face of hard questions. God is in control. He does overcome evil with good. We are part of his plan in doing so. Share God’s good news contained in the Christian worldview with others. Share God’s love by reaching out to others and loving them. Pray for God’s help and strength for those touched by this and other effects of man’s sin, and look up for the Lord can come at any time. Do you have questions? Would you like to talk about your spiritual life and relationship with God? Contact us by clicking here or visit us for a service soon. Click here for other helpful articles that can help answer questions about God, the universe, his relationship to you and more. We teach a Christian worldview in our Christian school -You can read more about it here Check out these other helpful articles below on our website for more information about God. An Article from our Christian School on Biblical Worldview |
AuthorPastor Bob Franseen, Pastor of Eagle Heights Baptist Church & Others Archives
April 2019