Wednesdays at 7:00 PM During the School Year
At 7:00 p.m. our building is filled with children from 4 years old - 6th grade. The purpose is to evangelize, disciple, teach, train and provide opportunities for children to serve God now. This is a FUN-filled time of songs, games, scripture memory, training and accountability for personal devotions. The children love the Bible lessons and many exciting theme-oriented evenings.
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM During the School Year
At 7:00 p.m. our building is filled with children from 4 years old - 6th grade. The purpose is to evangelize, disciple, teach, train and provide opportunities for children to serve God now. This is a FUN-filled time of songs, games, scripture memory, training and accountability for personal devotions. The children love the Bible lessons and many exciting theme-oriented evenings.
Grand Prix Time
This is always an exciting time for our Kid's Club children and the rest of us too. Children purchase a block of wood and design their cars. Oh, the creative designs we see each year are amazing. Kids have such creative minds. Now, not all of the designs are fast, but always enjoyable to look at. Once the races begin, there are shrills of excitement from the kids and parents alike. Awards are given for speed and design. We would love for your children to participate in Kid's Club and enjoy activities such as this while learning more about God's Word the Bible. Wednesdays at 7pm during the school year.